Scott Pilgrim VS The World

Sunday, November 7, 2010


This is a commercial for the very appealing lap top VAIO X Series. Through its use of aesthetic appeal, by which I mean that it uses sort of a subliminal comparison to an instrument of artistry and craftmanship (a sword), it pesuades us to want this product.

The main characteristics of that appeal are that it sort of stimulates one of your senses. In this case by comparing the amazing thinness of the lap top to a sword we are being stimulated by seemless beauty of the sword. Not only its visual beauty, but also its physical aspects of lightness. That lightness is effective for the computer beacause they are mainly about portability.

This add is very subliminal and luxury, which seems to be highlighted by the commercial, is one of the main factors of this product. A sword is something that not everyone has and therfore very exclusive which is what the product is marketed as.

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