Scott Pilgrim VS The World

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Girls in our society are under a mind set that the only way to look beautiful is to extremely thin, which is due in part by hegemony from the fashionn industry. Hegemony is the common sense that is not but has become due to the constant images shown by ad campaings, television, and the media in general. Their images have inbedded in societies mind stereotypes concerning race, social status, and most notably gender. Women have been targeted as sex objects, and have been long deemed inferior to men through hegemony. They are constantly shown as vulnerable and weak, but even more affecting has been the portrayal of beauty by the fashion industry.

Recently in a television commerical by the CW network of the upcoming season of America's Next Top Model a tall model with an unusually thing waist is idolized by the very Tyra Banks herself. She who has long thrown herself on television as a supporter of girls who feel uncomfortable with their bodies. She who has said that it is ok to not be thin and to love they way every girl is commented on how she loved the girl withl the thin waistline. Controversial and hypocritical the comment does not only show that to be beautiful, for that is what the fashion industry is founded on (beauty), a girl must be tall and unusually thin. What can girls who dont have thin figures look forward to if such commercials tell them that in order to be beautiful they must not only be extremely thin, but tall as well?

Here in the commercial Tyra is shown fascinated by a girl with an unusually thin waistline which goes withouth saying that she is probably not healthy, and only supports bas habbits to achieve such profiles like anorexia and bullimia.

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