The following blog contains some of my reviews and thinking on films ranging a wide spectrum.

Scott Pilgrim VS The World
Friday, December 31, 2010
Source Code Trailer 2011 HD
It is great to see such a cast, and quite honest it looks pretty entertaining. Source Code will highlight the movies playing at South By Southwest film festival. Vera Farmiga returns for which I'm really excited to see her after the wonderful movie Up In The Air.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Globalization in Fashion
A specific aspect of globalization is cultural imperialism. In global imeperialism a product or cultural trait flows dominates at a global scale. In a way there is an uneven flow, like no competition from other markets accros borders. It can often overshadow traditions or local markets that separate every culture from one another.
A perfect example is the dominance over the fashion industry by a few countries (specifically a few select cities) and fashion designers. The global fashion market is controlled by this few often preventing any competition outside the circle. This also imposes a few cultures over the entire world which overshadows other rich nations with distinct cultural traditions. The huge influence by a few fashion designers has also established a sort of norm that keeps from new upcoming designers to introduce new unique ideas. It has also made it hard for diffussion of ethnicities in the fashion industry in which currently only a few nationalities are represented.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
This is a commercial for the very appealing lap top VAIO X Series. Through its use of aesthetic appeal, by which I mean that it uses sort of a subliminal comparison to an instrument of artistry and craftmanship (a sword), it pesuades us to want this product.
The main characteristics of that appeal are that it sort of stimulates one of your senses. In this case by comparing the amazing thinness of the lap top to a sword we are being stimulated by seemless beauty of the sword. Not only its visual beauty, but also its physical aspects of lightness. That lightness is effective for the computer beacause they are mainly about portability.
This add is very subliminal and luxury, which seems to be highlighted by the commercial, is one of the main factors of this product. A sword is something that not everyone has and therfore very exclusive which is what the product is marketed as.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Three Act Structure "The Descent"
The story starts out by introducing us to a group of characters and establishing the main character, a young mother who recently lost both her husband and daughter to a car accident. They gather together and are about to embark on a journey through some caverns. About thirty minutes into the film shortly after they descend down the cave we are confronted by a conflict. The cave collapses and they become trapped. The plot point of that act is that they have been tricked by one of the members of the group into thinking that they were exploring certain caverns when in fact the cave system has never been explored before. That ends the first act and we transition into the second act.
The second act is mainly about the conflict of them venturing, and trying to find a way out before the batteries on their lights run out. Soon one of the group memebers falls and breaks her leg, and then trough rising suspense we also come to realize that they might not be alone. In an act of desperation and disorientation as they are trying to find a way out the stumble accross animal reamains. Soon a new problem arises when they are attacked by some creatures. That is the second plot point that transitions us into the third and final act. This second act covers a time of thirty to forty minutes in the film.
In the third act things have become far more complicated than expected which in turn limits their chances for survival. Not only are they trapped with no visible way out, but they are also being hunted by some fiendish creatures. The film has now become a race against time and a fight for survival. The third act reaches the climax when only two of the group members reamain and being close to the way out, they are greeted by numbers of the creatures waiting to stop their exit. Both characters brutally battle the creatures and remain victorious. Then in a twist of revenge one of the girls stabs the other in the leg and leaves her to be attacked by the creatures. This is the final plot point as the characters become aware of their personal conflicts. One has betrayed the other by having her husband (who is now dead) cheat on the main character. So the movie ends in the succesful escape of our main character. This all happening in the last twenty to twenty five minutes.
Below I have posted the trailer for the film.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
A sitcom that I rather enjoy is one that stays true to that episodic nature. Family Guy is always reinventing itself. Every eposidoe though it might have the same characters as the last episode, is quite different. Each new half-hour is completely related to a new subject. Even though the episodes are different, there are things that we constantly see over and over again. Through the progression of the show we constantly see a some character trying to do the same thing. For example Stewie who is the baby in the family is constantly trying to kill his mother in most of the episodes we see. Below is a clip from the show itself...
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Shots and Scenes
While the two shots I talked about in that particular scene from The Piano are long and close up shots, another movie like Revolutionary Road (another favorite of mine) uses middle shots to relate to the audience. Most of the film is shot in middle shots, which help us relate to the characters. These shots are used to show how simple the live of the characters are which in a way is what the entire film is about. Both Frank and April Wheeler are trying to live interesting lives which seems impossible in suburbia where every day is the same as yesterday. In a particular scene after Frank reveals to April that he had been having an affair, they are having dinner with visitors in which most of the scene is in middle shot. This show how common and simple having dinner can be, and even though there is some conflict we still relate to the characters and their frustration due to the fact that we are on the same level as them. Below is a clip of the scene.
While shots alone can convey several meaning in film, the angles can also make a difference. For example in horror films angles are probably of monumental importance on their effect. One perfect example is a shot in Halloween (1978 version) in which we see Michael Myers look down at his victim from the rail of the second story of the house. The angle of this shot is effective because it gives the monster in this film (Michael Myers) power and therefore makes him much more scary that it otherwise could be. Below is the shot.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Studio System
I think that one of the effects of this so called "vertical integration" on films themselves was the adoption of a genre by a studio. What this means is that you could tell the studio behind a film by simply looking at what type of genre it fit under. This gave each studio its own style of making a film for in a way you could associate any singular genre to single studio.
A perfect example is the creation of popular cartoons by Warner Brothers studio. The Looney Tunes were throughout decades and even after to Golden Age of Hollywood been associated with the image of Warner Brothers. Warner Brothers as a studio adopted the genre of family entertainment as seen in some of their cartoons and their logo with Bugs Bunny at the opening of some of their films.
Here is a clip from one of their early cartoons and the Bugs Bunny opening logo.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
All In The Family and Still Standing
Though Still Standing is different in several ways than All In The Family, there are still similar aspects shared by both. As we observe on the episode of All In The Family, the show dealed with relevant issues of that time like discrimination and prejudices which are still relevant today but not as heavily. Still Standing as it may be targeted for a younger audience it still deals with issues relevant to that younger audience. Issues like the hardships of high school and what parents may go through with their teenagers.
On the other hand All In The Family touches on a subject that is hardly if not at all seen in Still Standing. Gender issues are clearly highlighted through Archie's macho attitude, like his definition of a man (all strenght). These issues of the assumed superiority of men over women are hardly relevant in Still Standing since the mother is depicted as more intelligent than the father.
Below is a clip of the show Still Standing...
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Sex Appeal
The Cultivation Theory explains that through the constant use of images, or certain concepts, the effects can lead mass number of people to do certain things that might not be necessary. Such things are not thought off and therefore the effects are passive. They occur through a long period of time and through constant repetition. Commercials, such as those for fragances are a perfect example of the cultivation theory.
In such commercials such as those for fragances/colognes one of the things that almost instantly comes to mind is sex appeal. For some reason through the constant use of sexual imagery in fragance/cologne commercials people have come to use them even though they are unnecessary (deodorant is enough to suppress bad odor). Most people on the streets or elevators as I have come to notice myself are using some sort of fragance. I myself use fragance, and I'm sure that is because most people might find that attractive. That is the purpose most people often seem to think of regarding fragance.
Here I have provided several commercials for fragances, in which all of them use sexaul imagery to advertise the product.
ex 1:
ex 2:
ex 3: britney spears fragrance commercial
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Recently in a television commerical by the CW network of the upcoming season of America's Next Top Model a tall model with an unusually thing waist is idolized by the very Tyra Banks herself. She who has long thrown herself on television as a supporter of girls who feel uncomfortable with their bodies. She who has said that it is ok to not be thin and to love they way every girl is commented on how she loved the girl withl the thin waistline. Controversial and hypocritical the comment does not only show that to be beautiful, for that is what the fashion industry is founded on (beauty), a girl must be tall and unusually thin. What can girls who dont have thin figures look forward to if such commercials tell them that in order to be beautiful they must not only be extremely thin, but tall as well?
Here in the commercial Tyra is shown fascinated by a girl with an unusually thin waistline which goes withouth saying that she is probably not healthy, and only supports bas habbits to achieve such profiles like anorexia and bullimia.